Data Visualization and BI Principles

Data Visualization and BI Principles


  • Simon Sez IT

Flatrate 12 月

19 USD 1ヶ月あたり

  • 12ヶ月
  • シングルライセンス
  • 19 USD 228 USD 年間
  • 850以上の電子ブックとビデオチュートリアル
  • 専門家からのヒントやコツ
  • インスタントアクセス
  • 自動的に更新されます








Subheading: Unlock the potential of data visualization and business intelligence principles to enhance your analytical skills.

Welcome to “An Introduction to Data Visualization and Business Intelligence Principles.” In this course, you’ll explore techniques essential for creating impactful business intelligence dashboards.

Delve into the complexities of data visualization, understanding its role in conveying information accurately and effectively. Uncover the advantages and disadvantages of data visualization, gaining insights into effective data presentation. Learn BI principles such as extolling data and choosing relevant KPIs to enhance your visualization skills. Explore various chart types and visualization tools, including tables and maps, to create compelling visualizations.

By the end of the course, you should be able to grasp the delicate balance between form and function in data visualization. Gain practical experience through exercises on building heat maps and stacked charts, empowering you to apply learned principles confidently.

Whether you’re a business professional or a student, this course offers valuable insights applicable across fields. Join us to unlock the power of data visualization and elevate your proficiency in business intelligence principles.

At the end of this course, you should be able to:

  • Identify the advantages and disadvantages of data visualization.
  • Choose relevant KPIs for visualization.
  • Create effective data visualizations using various chart types.
  • Evaluate BI principles to simplify data visualization designs.
  • Utilize visualization tools such as tables and maps.
  • Analyze visual hierarchy elements for better data communication.
  • Incorporate real-time features and interactivity when necessary.
  • Apply design principles for consistent and evolving dashboard development.