SAP BI/BW 7.4 Training

SAP BI/BW 7.4 Training


  • Robert Davis

Flatrate 12 月

19 USD 1ヶ月あたり

incl. 7% VAT

  • 12ヶ月
  • シングルライセンス
  • 19 USD 228 USD 年間
  • 850以上の電子ブックとビデオチュートリアル
  • 専門家からのヒントやコツ
  • インスタントアクセス
  • 自動的に更新されます








This is a truly a step-by-step course that will take you into the incredible world of SAP BI/BW. Even after the first section of our course, you will understand how to develop with SAP BW!

Learn by doing! Each section of our training comes with a new dataset for you to download and a new set of lessons and exercises that will challenge you to learn in a fun and engaging way. 

After our introductory section, every module is independent so you can start from wherever you’d like. The more you learn and practice these skills, the better you will get. Feel free to take your time while you master this valuable set of BI/BW skills. 

This class will make you a highly proficient SAP BI/BW Analyst. By the end of this course you will confidently add SAP BI/BW to your CV.

  • You should take this course if want to learn SAP BI/BW completely from scratch 
  • You should take this course if you know some SAP BI/BW skills but want to get better 
  • You should take this course if you are good in SAP BI/BW and want to take your skills to the next level and truly leverage the full potential of BI/BW