SAP Supply Chain: Learn EDI & Idocs Interface Architecture

SAP Supply Chain: Learn EDI & Idocs Interface Architecture


  • Abdul Maulud

Flatrate 12 月

19 USD 1ヶ月あたり

incl. 7% VAT

  • 12ヶ月
  • シングルライセンス
  • 19 USD 228 USD 年間
  • 850以上の電子ブックとビデオチュートリアル
  • 専門家からのヒントやコツ
  • インスタントアクセス
  • 自動的に更新されます








This course covers the how to implementat Supply Chain Interfaces using industry standard messages (like EDIFACT and X12), middleware, and SAP Idocs. If you want to know about SAP interfaces, this is the course. Want to improve your knowledge in SAP’s Supply Chain EDI technology? Want that role in SAP? Want to know how SAP inbound and outbound interfaces are configured and what values are requried to get them work? Should you update the delivery date or confirmation date on a purchase order once it is confirmed? Or why the purchase order and sales order uses the ORDERS Idoc? This course answers all of these questions. This course covers both the business context of how the process should work and how it is to be configured in SAP R/3, across the different modules in SAP. This course covers the Sales and Distribution (SD), Material Management (MM) , Purchasing, and Transportation, Account Receivable modules of SAP.

  • Walk through the configuration of each and every IDoc used in the process including both the partner determination and message outputs
  • Receive a cheat sheet so that you have all of the settings at your fingertips as to implement any of these IDocs.
  • Learn what values, qualifiers, and setting are requried to process an inbound IDoc
  • Identify SAP best practice for implementing IDocs